About ME


I'm Natalie. The face behind Funny Avenue Farms (formerly known as Clover J Hills). I got my first Nigerian Dwarf Goats in 2013.  In between 8th and 9th grade, my family moved to a house that was on a couple of acres. My father grew up with cattle. He was going on and on about getting a beef cow and a delicious pig. My little 13-year-old heart couldn’t deal with it. I got pretty upset about it and finally had a conversation with my mom that I didn’t want to eat my animals. I wanted one. But I didn’t want to eat them. Y’all- I was thinking a horse or something??? Nah. My mom comes back a few days later and asks me, “What about a goat??”

A goat?? A GOAT?! My first experience with a goat occurred at a young age and left me traumatized. I got head-butted by a grumpy, horned wether and got knocked flat on my bum. I was not a fan of the idea of a goat. 

But then my mom uttered her famous line that has gotten me into trouble multiple times with my dad or husband, “Why don’t we just go look?”


I suddenly found myself in Walla Walla, Washington surrounded by a bunch of bouncy baby 4 week old Nigerian Dwarf goats that I could haul around like a puppy. My little 13-year-old self was in heaven. I loved them and I think the first two goats I ever had liked me pretty well too. Their names were Chrisathimum and Cordelia. 

Thus, my goat addiction was born. After more research, we learned about the ADGA registry and I am excited to be joining the ranks of performance herd as of 2023.


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